Why do I Run?

To honor and remember friends and family members affected by heart disease and stroke.

Upcoming 50 States Marathons:

State #27: Duke City Marathon, Albuquerque, NM 10/20/2019

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Finished a beautiful 26.2 miles in Kenosha WI for State #16!

Last Saturday, I made my way to Kenosha, Wisconsin to run the Wisconsin Marathon.  It was a beautiful day for a marathon... even a little warmer than ideal, but I was just very happy that it wasn't raining after a streak of rainy marathons this year.   I rode with a friend to the start, and we made it there just in time to hop into the start corral before the race started.

Here is a picture from the start - a beautiful day!

It didn't take long after the start to see some amazing views as we ran along Lake Michigan.  I love running along water, especially now that I don't have much water to train near.  It gives me a sense of peace, and as we ran along the water,  I looked out frequently thinking of memories of my Gram and Pop and everyone that I am running for.  I was getting off to a faster start than in the past few marathons (thanks to fewer hills!), and the first half of the marathon went along pretty smoothly.  We ran through numerous small parks, and I tried to snap some photos of the scenery as we ran.

Here are some views from the day...

The half marathoners split off from the full marathoners at mile 11, and so suddenly there was much less company around, and just after reaching about half way, I was feeling a little bit sluggish.  But along came a fellow runner that had already completed the 50 states, and we ran for about two miles together talking about the marathons we had run and the quest for 50 States, and it made those miles go by really quickly.  I gained some energy as we chatted, and after we said goodbye, a few other runners asked about my 50 States Challenge, or simply gave a thumbs up for the cause as we passed, giving me even more energy to make it to the end.  

I don't always have a time goal, but since I had gotten off to a pretty good start, I was hoping to break the 5 hour mark, since the last few marathons had been slow for me and I hadn't broken 5 hours in a little while.  It was getting a little bit toasty towards the end, but I was feeling pretty good, and the last few miles along the water helped me to reach this goal as I thought about my cause.  I made it across the finish line in 4:55, completing State #16 for the American Stroke Association!!  It was an awesome day!

The lighthouse we saw several times along the course...

Since the Wisconsin Marathon, I have made it over $12,500 for my fundraising, which means I'm over half way to my goal of raising $25,000 for the American Stroke Association for my 50 States Challenge!  I cannot thank everyone that has supported me enough for making this journey through the 50 States successful in raising funds and awareness for stroke!

My next marathon is the Vermont City Marathon on May 24th, which will not add a state for me, but will be a "mile"stone, as it will be my 20th marathon with the American Stroke Association.   It is especially meaningful for me to reach this 20 marathon milestone in Vermont, as that is where it all started in 2009, when I ran very first marathon after losing my grandmother a year after her stroke.  When I cross the finish line in VT this year, I will have run 524 marathon miles for the American Stroke Association since that day (not including training), and every single one has been amazing.   I never imagined in 2009 that I would start a journey to run 50 marathons in memory of my Gram, Pop, and Grampa, and in honor of my Dad who have all been affected by stroke and/or heart disease.  I also cannot thank the American Stroke Association and Tedy's Team enough for helping me to create something so positive out of the horrible experience of a loved one having a stroke or heart attack.  It keeps me close to those I have lost, and keeps me closer to those that are still here, and together we are all making a difference in the fight against stroke and heart disease!

Onto the Vermont City Marathon, which will be closely followed by State #17 in Port Angeles, WA!!

Highlights from the marathon:
Absolutely beautiful views
Nice option of having packet mailed ahead of time
Vegan options for post-race food!
Nice medal and t-shirt
Great support!

#1 Song that got me through a tough spot:
"Let it Go" Idina Menzel 

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