Why do I Run?

To honor and remember friends and family members affected by heart disease and stroke.

Upcoming 50 States Marathons:

State #27: Duke City Marathon, Albuquerque, NM 10/20/2019

Monday, October 19, 2015

I reached State #20 at the 7 Bridges Marathon in TN!

Yesterday (October 18th) I made the early morning drive to Chattanooga, TN to complete State #20 at the 7 Bridges Marathon, and it was a great day!  It was perfect fall weather (although a little chilly for the south at 7:00am).  This was a last minute addition to my 50 States schedule (and I mean last minute - I registered the day before!), but I was so glad I was able to make it work.

In order to make it to the marathon, I needed to get up at 2:15 am so I could leave my house by 3:15 am to get to Chattanooga by 5:30am to find parking, get my packet, and drop my bag so I could pick it up at the end of the marathon.  I discovered that driving out of Atlanta at 3:15 in the morning is a good way to avoid Atlanta traffic!  The drive also gave me some time to think about those I was running for and how much this entire endeavor means to me.  I reminisced about times with my grandparents, and times with those that are still with us, and had a good feeling about the day.  I made it to Chattanooga, found a place to park, met a few other runners, and we walked together to the start area.

It seemed like fall came rather quickly on this chilly fall morning (40s), and knowing it would warm up by the time I finished, I had tried to dress in layers so I wouldn't be too cold or too warm at any point.  I got my bib and pinned it on and then wrapped up in my nice disposable marathon blanket from my last race to stay warm.  There was music playing and it seemed like it was going to be a great day.  And I didn't feel too tired despite the early wake up - it's amazing how the excitement of marathon morning can really wake one up!  Here is an image from the morning - it was still dark when we started!

Race morning before the start.
Although I had arrived quite early, by the time I had gotten my bib, eaten my bagel, and gotten myself situated for the day, it was almost time to start!  Soon we were off.  I was feeling pretty good, and it wasn't until the sun started to rise that I realized that we were in for a very pretty race as we crossed the 7 bridges.  Here are a few photos of the sunrise...

Before we reached the bridge.

The view from the bridge above.

As I continued along, thoughts of my Gram, Pop, Papa, my Dad, our close family friend, and a mentor of mine were heavily in my thoughts.  Sometimes the magnitude of how much running the 50 States for this cause means to me hits me when I least expect it, but it always gives me motivation to get myself to each and every finish line, because I know I'm lucky to be able to run at all.  It seems like one never knows when a stroke or heart attack will strike, and how it can end or forever change one's life.  I hope that the funds and awareness that I'm raising with Tedy's Team as I run are helping to make it so that fewer people go through what I have seen my family and friends experience with heart disease and stroke.

My thoughts carried me to about the half way mark, when I think the early morning wake up started to affect me a little bit.  I was a little more sluggish than usual in the second half, but what I've learned across the marathons is that it doesn't have to be about getting your best time, but enjoying the time it takes to get to the end.  And so I did.  I chatted with other runners and took in the views, and just had fun, because that's what the marathon should be about (at least from the perspective of a slow runner who never intends to win or come close to winning a marathon :).  I took a few more pictures along the way as I made my way toward the finish line.

One of the 7 bridges.

It's hard to tell, but at this point I was on a bridge, and there were two bridges to the side of this picture, and one bridge to the other side - that's a lot of bridges!

From one of the many bridges.

 We had been back and forth from a path to the roads, and somewhere around the 19-20 mile mark we entered back onto the waterfront path, which was my favorite place that we ran.  I just love running along water, wherever I am running.  The last miles were a little slow, but I was enjoying the day and they just passed along one by one.  I remembered the bridge that I had walked across to get to the start was the last bridge that we crossed in the race, and so once I saw it, I knew the finish line was close!  As I neared the end, I thought of each and every person that I am running for, and all those that have supported me, as each has given me inspiration to complete this challenge.  I made my way and soon had made it across the finish line of my 20th state - amazing!

I had a nice drive back home, and am already excited for my next marathon in SC on October 31st, at the Spinx Run Fest in Greenville.  Given that it is on Halloween, I'm working on a fun heart-themed costume for the day!
Highlights from the Day:
They let us register up until the day before
Great music at the start (helped me to wake up!)
The parts of the course on the waterfront and bridges are very scenic
Very big medal!  And cool running shirt.
Very supportive and helpful volunteers
Nice southern fall weather for a marathon

#1 Song that Got me Through a Tough Spot:
Making Love Out of Nothing at All - Air Supply